
AI and OCR software for distributors


Transform the data from delivery notes and invoices from your suppliers to your ERP in seconds with the most advanced software on the market

5 million
Pages processed per month
25 hours
Savings per client per month
Data Capture Accuracy

Do you want to automate your distributor's document management?

Capture and classify data automatically

All the power of gpt-4o | AI and OCR for distributors

Why AI and OCR for distributors

Manual data entry, delivery notes, work reports and expense invoices it's a thing of the past.

 Automate data entry of your clients' invoices with the Most sophisticated OCR powered by AI, GPT-4o.

Are you ready to move forward?

AI and OCR for logistics dijit.app

The best ally for document management

Extract data from documents and route it to your management system automatically, with no room for errors or wasted time.

Without Dijit.app

AI and OCR for logistics dijit.app

With Dijit.app

ocr for industrial ia gpt-4o dijit.app

Do you want to save thousands of hours and associated costs per month?

Then use Dijit.app in your construction or developer

OCR scanning for invoices digitizes accounting advice
AI and OCR dijit.app

Save more than 95% of time associated with document management

OCR scanning for invoices digitizes accounting advice
AI and OCR dijit.app

With the OCR and AI by Dijit.app You will be able to say goodbye forever to data mining in your accounting and tax consultancy.

All you have to do is take a photo of the paper either drag the PDF to our program andOCR scan for invoices.

Reduce paperwork burden and time with User Management

Key benefits of AI and OCR software for distributors
From PDF or photos of paper delivery notes

Take a photo with your mobile phone and connect directly to Dijit.app, without having to transfer the images to the computer. You can also drag the PDFs to our system. With AI and OCR for distributors, our software will do all the work for you.

ocr ia gpt-4o dijit.app
dijit.app ocr with AI gpt-4o for construction companies
Improved accuracy in data capture

Our AI with OCR software for construction companies delivers 99% accuracy compared to manual entry, reducing errors and preventing potential financial losses.

Inventory control simplification

Easily digitize items, quantities and prices from delivery notes or invoices. Data is processed quickly, streamlining inventory control without manual data entry.

dijit.app ocr with AI gpt-4o for construction companies
dijit.app ocr with AI gpt-4o for construction companies
Efficient monitoring of expenses in real time

With Dijit.app's OCR software, data is processed automatically, and our intelligent system categorizes products, vendors, and accounts to give you instant insights.

Multi user, with different approval levels

You can create users for each work. The operator will be able to upload the delivery notes with their mobile phone, the supervisor will be able to review them and, finally, central administration will be able to compare and download the data.

dijit ocr ia gpt-4 4
dijit.app ocr with AI gpt-4o
OCR with GPT-4o AI, the most advanced artificial intelligence in the world

The OCR with AI Dijit.app reads, extracts and categorizes data automatically, saving up to 95% of time spent on document management.

Make quick and informed decisions

Speed up your purchasing and inventory decisions with Dijit.app's AI. Quickly create bids, review potential shortages, and make business decisions faster.

AI and OCR for distributors
dijit.app ocr with AI gpt-4o
Organized access to stored documents

Store and easily access documents, delivery notes and invoices. Organize and filter the information according to criteria such as dates, names of suppliers or products to improve document control in your business.

Seamless integration with management systems

Dijit.app's OCR exports captured data in Excel format and imports directly into management systems, facilitating accurate inventory control and accounting in your business.

dijit.app ocr with AI gpt-4o
dijit.app ocr with AI gpt-4o
Simplicity and ease of use

Dijit.app is the most user-friendly software with OCR and AI on the market. Its intuitive design allows any team member to use it without specialized training, reducing time and costs associated with managing inventories and expenses.

Frequently asked questions

What is Dijit.app, the document management program with AI and OCR for distributors?

Dijit.app's document management program is a technology that combines Optical Character Recognition (OCR) with Artificial Intelligence (AI) to digitize data from scanned physical documents and PDFs accurately and efficiently, passing the information in an organized manner to our system, which you can download to Excel or import via API to an ERP management system.

How does AI technology work with Dijit.app OCR?

The document management program works by entering PDF documents or scanned physical documents into the system. Our OCR captures the data and our AI improves the accuracy of character recognition, processes and organizes the data, and learns with each document processed.

How can AI and OCR software for distributors improve the efficiency of my business?

Dijit.app's document management program can improve the efficiency of your business by automating the data entry process of business documents, avoiding manual entry, saving time, reducing errors and allowing faster and easier access to information.

Can I integrate Dijit.app into our accounting system?

Yes, the Dijit.app invoice automation program has two integration options. The first is to connect with the accounting system through API. The second is to export an Excel file, which can then be imported into the accounting system, with a few clicks.

How is user management handled in Dijit.app?

Dijit.app's AI and OCR document management program allows a number of users based on the selected rate plan. There are two levels of access: administrator and sub user. The administrator has full control and can assign sub users, who will only have access to their imported documents.

How is the security and privacy of the processed data ensured?

Dijit.app's AI and OCR document management program complies with all data security and privacy regulations. Data is stored securely in the Microsoft Azure database and is used for document processing only. Only selected users can access the processed information.

How long is the minimum contract for Dijit.app AI OCR software?

The minimum contract for our AI OCR software is one year, with fees and page limits set annually but charged monthly. Contracts are automatically renewed each year, unless non-renewal is requested in writing at least 30 days before the end of the contract.
