
Automate data extraction with AI and OCR

OpenAI OCR technology and AI revolutionize inventory and expense management

dijit.app OCR software data extraction hospitality delivery notes

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology has been a valuable tool for digitizing documents, but its integration with OpenAI artificial intelligence (AI) has taken its capability to a higher level. Now, it is possible to capture, extract, order and categorize products, suppliers, expense accounts and accounting entries automatically, without the need to manually enter data into the system.

dijit.app OCR software data extraction hospitality delivery notes

How OpenAI's OCR and AI technology works

OCR technology uses algorithms to identify and extract text from scanned images and documents. OpenAI's AI, on the other hand, uses neural networks to analyze large amounts of data and learn to recognize patterns. By combining these two technologies, it is possible to create a system that can read invoices, delivery notes and other documents related to inventory and expense management, and extract relevant information automatically.

dijit.app OCR software data extraction hospitality delivery notes

How Dijit.app can help streamline the control and management of inventories, purchases, expenses and sales

Dijit.app is a platform that uses OpenAI's OCR and AI technology to help companies manage their inventories, purchases, expenses and sales. With Dijit.app, users can take a photo or upload a PDF of an invoice or delivery note, and the system will automatically take care of extracting the relevant information and categorizing it in the system.

dijit.app OCR software data extraction hospitality delivery notes

Benefits of using OCR and AI technology in business management

The integration of OCR and AI technology into business management can provide a number of benefits. First, it reduces the time required to manually enter data into the system. Second, it reduces human errors by automating the process. Third, it provides clearer visibility into inventory holdings and spending.

"Dijit.app, the most accurate, fast and easy-to-use OCR solution on the market"
